Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Day Pictures
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas Dress
Christmas Eve
Here's Savannah with Mommy! I think she sees the camera and is trying to reach for it. It's how we got her to start walking, we'd wave the camera from aways and she'd want it....
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Stockings
I also hope that I can focus my festivities on giving and serving, in observance of Christ's birth and life. Christ is a wonderful exemplar of service and love. How grateful we are for His example and Love.
Merry Christmas to YOU!!
This year, I decided that I was gonna be a little homemaker......I made our stockings and bought enough material to make more, for later. I think they turned out pretty good, if I may say so myself. My mom has an embroidery machine and so she was able to put our names on the cuffs.
Here is a picture of our Christmas tree.
Another video of Gift Scramble game
Other Christmas party pictures
Christmas Party
Monday, December 15, 2008
Anybody who knows me, knows I LOVE chocolate (though I'm not that different from many females, I'm sure) but I'm especially fond of the m&m candies!! I had a little ziploc baggie of some m&m's for a snack while we were out for a walk. We couldn't go today, due to rainy day, so I brought everything back in and knew she would like to play with the diaper bag. (She has this thing about taking things out of purses, bags, boxes, canisters and putting them back in-I think this is normal?) I made sure I took out the little baggie of m&m's so she wouldn't get into it. Apparently, I didn't put them far enough out of her reach, because the next thing I know, I look over and she has found the baggie and the m&m's are in her lap, bursting out of the bag and she's chomping away, with some blue color around her mouth! Luckily I dug it out before it "melts" in her mouth. However, when I gathered the m&m's, she watching me, and as I walked away with the bag, she realized she wasn't getting anymore and proceeded to cry, I mean really cry. She's never done that before when we've had to take something away. She was not happy!
Sleepless Nights
My little Savannah loves to be held and cradled to sleep, I think that's part of the culprit. I guess this is the price I pay for wanting to hold her so much, especially while she's sleeping-during the day!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Halloween--Bumble Bee
Watch out, here she comes!
Without further ado, here she is........drumroll please..............
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Almost Walking!!!
Anyway, later in the day, we were at Best Buy in the DVD section while Jason used the bathroom(Jason wanted to show me the camera that he wants to get-a Cannon 990is or something like that) and Savannah was playing with the DVDs in the aisle and she let go of my hand and took 3 steps toward me!! Yay!
Tonight (Wed 11/26), we were at our friends' house playing BINGO and Savannah was standing next to their fridge with no hands, occupied with a letter magnet, for a really long time-the longest she's EVER stood by herself! And throughout the night, she was taking a lot of steps back and forth to people. I think it'll only be days until she's really walking on her own (am I being too confident in my daughter's skills?)
I don't have any pictures/video of her yet on this, but hope to post some soon.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Silly Savannah
Sleeping Cutey
Below: She stayed asleep even as I unloaded the wagon!!
Thanks to Grandma Wendy, for letting us use this wagon-it's really come in handy!!
I was afraid that when I finally picked her up to put her in her crib, that she might wake up, but she went down just fine-though it was for only another 25 minutes.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Oct 23rd--Daddy got me to Laugh!!
This isn't her 1st time laughing, but we were able to get it on video (unlike one of the first attempts-as you can see in the previous video I shared below).
Savannah and I had gone to the Phx Zoo earlier in the day with our Playgroup, and she took a nap when we got home, so when she woke up, Jason wanted to spend some time with her and this is what came to be.....
June 29th-Almost laughing
Sept 15th Standing Up Video
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Utah Trip Day 4-Oct 4th
We had the opportunity to listen to the morning session of General Conference. I realized, with an active 9 month old, that I had a difficult time focusing on the talks! Elder Neil A. Anderson's talk is titled, "You Know Enough" and he shares a time when he gave a blessing and in it he felt impressed to say, "Faith is not only a feeling; it's a decision. He would need to choose faith." I realized more about how agency-the freedom to choose- affects our lives and those around us. How blessed we are to have these teachings to guide us in this adventurous life!
Savannah played and then had a nap, with her Daddy, as you can see in the below picture. He has a way of getting her to go to sleep-on him, so that he can hold her!! He loves it and I think it is so sweet!!
During the Afternoon Session of Conference, we spent some time with Clark again, going to Walmart (Savannah needed some baby food). We ended up walking around and Clark and Savannah got tired out. We took Clark to his home so he could rest for the night and then Jason got dressed and went to the Priesthood session with his Uncle and Cousins. It's tradition in their family that the sons (those that live close by) will join their dad in attending this session while the wives and family come to the house to visit and get dinner ready. Once the men return, then they eat and there's ice cream for dessert. So below, is a picture of Savannah just before her Daddy left to go with Uncle Carl and cousins, Quinton, Tony, and Craig to Priesthood Session.
On occasion she would let me hold her too!
She discovered the joy of balloons on this night! She kept chasing after it and pulling on the balloon, thus making that squeaky noise it makes and she LOVED it!! You can see it in the photo below!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Utah Trip Day 3-Oct 3rd
Today was the day that Savannah was able to see her Grandpa Clark for the first time! Her grandpa was SOO EXCITED to see her!! In fact, he didn't even know that we were in UT, until Jason called him on this morning and asked if he was working today. Lo and behold, he was off, and we announced that we were in UT and asked if we could come over. He was VERY surprised at this news!
The Mission Reunion made me reminisce of my mission, the people that I served and got to know, as well as, remembering the times with my companions. What a wonderful people that reside in Hawaii. We never had to worry about being fed, the locals took very good care of us missionaries (many a missionary gained weight while serving-thankfully I wasn't one of them!)
Here is Savannah with her Daddy!! She's the twinkle in his eye!! We marvel that we have been blessed with a happy baby, who loves to smile!
Google Reader for bloggers
All you do is go to, click on ADD SUBSCRIPTION, then input all the blogs you love (one at a time).
It's that easy. Then when you want to check to see if anyone has posted something new all you have to do is go to Google Reader and it tells you who has posted something new on their blog. It saves lots of time, so you don't have to check each blog on your list at a time. Must try it if you are not already addicticed to checking it 5 times a day!!
If you have any websites that you do regular searches for (Craigslist, amazon, for example) then it can give you updates on those searches as well. (be sure to narrow the search, or else you'll have tons of updates to go through each day)
Anyway, I hope this was somewhat helpful to you all!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Being a Mom
Random photos
Utah Trip Day 2-Oct 2