So Jason and I have been married for 5 years now!! Wow! It hardly seems that long, yet it feels like we've been together forever!!! (though having dated for almost 4 yrs beforehand, might attribute to that feeling!)
June 18, 2005 was when we were married.
Friday, June 18, 2010 was when we embarked on a 10 day road trip!! What a way to celebrate our anniversary huh?
We purposely went by way of Las Vegas to UT. We had a couple of friends along the way, and a family member to visit too! Though I didn't get any pics while we were there---don't know why I didn't think to get pictures of them! Guess was just too busy visiting and enjoying the short stay (and making sure Vannah was doing okay and not getting into trouble).
1st stop, was Las Vegas NV. When I got returned from my mission, I was anxious to move out and get back into the Mesa valley, for social reasons. (Buckeye AZ is NOT much of a place for LDS socializing-at least not back in 1998!) One of my cousins, Melanie Huggins, was living in Mesa and knew of a couple of gals looking for a roommate. Amy Lou Price (now Holly), and Ginee Butler (now Scarborough) were my 1st roommates after mission life. Amy and I got along fabulously-though she is such a great person, I doubt there's anybody that thinks ill of her anyway!! Love ya Amy!! So she had married, moved away to Virginia-until just 1 week before our trip.......she moved to Las Vegas!!!!!!! So that was stop # 1, to see my dear friend, Amy! We had a good, but quick visit, as we had lots of place to go before the night! Amy has 5 daughters, so there were plenty of things for Savannah to see and plenty of playmates to spend time with. After about 4 or 5 minutes, she warmed up to the girls and went and played with them. We had to pull her away to leave, and she wasn't very happy!
2nd stop was Bunkerville (near Mesquite) NV. While on my mission to Hawaii (I know-you're all jealous that I got to go to Hawaii for 18 months!) I had many companions, and my first one-my trainer, became one of my greatest friends!! We got along so well. She is who we visited in Bunkerville NV. She had 3 kids and was pregnant with the 4th (who was born in July), so Savannah-again-had playmates during our visit! It's great to visit these dear friends of mine!
3rd stop--mind you this was all on day 1-Friday!!
We stayed the night at Jason's aunt Bonnie's house in Washington UT (just outside of St. George)
Since we got in so late that night, we visited in the morning and didn't leave for SLC until around noon!! We planned to go to Murray UT, where Jason's dad lives, so that we could visit him on Sat. evening and go to church with him in the morning. Alas, that didn't happen! We discovered that Jason's mom was in Alpine, and wanted to see Savannah too! So we made an impromptu stop in Alpine. There I met one of Jason's aunts. Found out, she grew up in Hawaii!!! So we got along fabulously!! We ended up staying for dinner and the night too!
Savannah had no desire to continue with her potty-training during this time...she was too busy having fun with everything and everybody!! I figured this would be the case, thus I didn't push to have her completely potty-trained before we left! But I had hoped that she would do a little bit-not so! Oh well......
Here's Savannah with her Grandma Wendy.

Here I am, with Anita Stansfield!

So we had to leave Sunday morning early enough to get to Murray, and pick up Jason's dad for church. We thought it'd be nice to go to church, on Father's Day with Jason's dad. We were saying goodbye's to Wendy, and she gave Savannah a juice box.....which didn't work out well, because I discovered (after we got Jason's dad and were walking to the church building) that she squeezed out the juice onto her clothes!!! We were already late, so I didn't do anything about it!
Savannah was so tired out, that she fell asleep at the end of the Sacrament meeting, and slept through the rest of church (another 2 hrs). Since I'm in the Primary, I don't get to sit in Relief Society, and since Savannah was sleeping, Jason was sitting with her, visiting with his dad--I got to go to Relief Society! How nice!
Here is Savannah with her Daddy, and Grandpa

We also got to see Jason's Grandma Mallene for a few minutes on Sunday too.
There are so many people that we know in UT, we could live there and still be surrounded by family and friends....