Wednesday, August 11, 2010

And's "Paatty" Time!!!

That's right....I said "Paatty" time.....

as in this:

So I introduced Savannah to the potty soon after she turned 2, back in January. I figured I would just let her sit on it whenever she told me she needed to go potty, even though I knew she didn't quite know what to do yet. After a couple of months, I put panties on her for the 1st time and we stayed in the bathroom. When she p'd in her panties, she made a face and walked funny, cuz it was trickling down her legs!!! It was so funny!! I had hoped that it would help in the process of potty training. It didn't quite do it. She had her Dora panties and a Dora potty seat, so she was all set!
I used M&M's for rewarding her whenever she went. She would sometimes tell me she needed to go "p", and sit on the potty, and wouldn't do anything, then exclaim, "ah done!" and be expecting m&m's!!

By end of May, she was getting to where she was recognizing her body signals but was still figuring things out. I didn't really push it at that point because in mid-June, we took a 10 day road trip to NV, UT, CO, and NM, and I REALLY didn't want to worry about it during that time, though I did take her Dora potty seat with us. Of course she wanted nothing to do with the potty while on the trip-go figure!!

So by the end of July, she's pretty much got it down pat! She's been telling us she needs to "go" and we take her and she does "go"!!! YAY!! So nice to not have to worry about running out of diapers as much (though we still need to use them for night time).

Now, I've got to figure a way to wean her from the M&M's every time she goes!!!

She has only had a handful of accidents in the last 3 weeks!!

Now I hope she does okay next week when she and I hitch a ride, with a friend, to UT. That's a LONG trip!

I don't have any pics of her sitting on the potty. I didn't figure anyone would REALLY want to see that, and I'm certain, that later in her life Savannah would not appreciate it!!!

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