Friday, April 26, 2013

Ava is talking!

Ava said, "I Love You" to me at naptime and to Jason at bedtime, for the first time today!!!!!  Though it sounded more like, "i owe you"....but she repeated it back to me, when I said, " I Love you" to her!

I just realized, today she is 22 months old!!  In 2 months she will be 2 yrs old, already!  Where has the time gone!

It's so cute when she says, "Yup" in answer to a question.  Some of her other words are, "wait", "sheep" (for asleep), "book", and recently she learned, "na-na-na-na" in the teasing tone.  Big sister Vannah taught her that one!! 
She is talking so much more now, it's amazing! Anyway, I can't remember all of them, but I wanted to post about her saying "I LOVE YOU" today!  It's so wonderful to hear those words from your kiddos!

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