Thursday, October 15, 2009

Camping again!!! Part 1

We must be a glutton for punishment.............We wanted to go camping again. This time we went with my cousin and her family (Julie, Sabrina, Frankie, & Ana), as well as with my sister and her family (Lynn & Roger with their 6 kids and grandbaby). My sister and her husband have a little camper trailer, up by Heber, and since they've never been to Airplane Flats, we thought we'd show them that little campground.
The kids had their Fall Break and so we decided to go at the beginning of their Break, which fell on General Conference Weekend. We all left on Saturday morning, though Lynn and Roger (my sis and bro-in-law) left much earlier than we did. Julie and her crew followed us, since they didin't know where we were going.
The last time we came, we used my other sister's van, but this time we didn't-we should've because our car was SSSOOOO PACKED!! {{{here's where our camera could've been useful!}}Poor Savannah had no windows to see out of on either side of her-which could've been a reason that she cried, the whole way to Payson. She'd NEVER cried this long on a long car trip before. We stopped at Walmart and made arrangements to open up a window view for her. She was better, but ended up falling asleep after about 20 min of the ride--go figure!!!
What's funny is that Lynn called and they were leaving Heber to head to the campground, as we were leaving Payson.......when we got to the turnoff to Young, there they were, in the turning lane, from opposite direction, to turn onto the road too!!! How funny that was! But Jason lost them when we made a turn down the road, and had to come back around. We went down a road and were about to give up and started to turn around, when they come around the corner to us, just in time to follow us---AGAIN! None of this was coordinated--amazing!
Our camera battery was dying, so I bought a new one, and charged it before coming. I didn't put it in the camera right away though, so needless to say, it got lost, and so we didn't have any pictures for most of the trip. I've copied my cousin's pictures and put them on my blog--hope you don't mind Julie!!
She took some really good photos of the kids at the swing. My favorite one (and Jason's) is the last one of him and Savannah walking away.

Here's J letting Savannah try out the swing-kinda!

Here's me handing out marshmellows on the first night there. My bro-in-law, Roger, on the left, J behind me, Frankie on the right, the ponytail of Sammy, and Bobbie Jo in the chair enjoying a marshmellow.

1 comment:

Whipple's said...

I am happy to share my photos anytime...we sure had fun. We are now all sick, but the memories will last a lifetime. Hope we can do this again when its warmer, maybe over their spring break...LoL