Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oct 23rd--Daddy got me to Laugh!!

We thoroughly LOVE to hear Savannah laugh and giggle (who doesn't like to hear children's laughter though?) so we videoed it and wanted to share this with you as well!
This isn't her 1st time laughing, but we were able to get it on video (unlike one of the first attempts-as you can see in the previous video I shared below).
Savannah and I had gone to the Phx Zoo earlier in the day with our Playgroup, and she took a nap when we got home, so when she woke up, Jason wanted to spend some time with her and this is what came to be.....

1 comment:

Silvia and Steven said...

She's always smiles and giggles. I acan't believe how big she's getting. She'll be walking/running behind all the others in no time... ha ha