Thursday, October 7, 2010

What's in a name?

Jason started watching the TV show, Terminator, the Sara Connor Chronicles. In some of the episodes there's a little red-headed girl and her name is Savannah.

Savannah was sitting on the couch with us and I pointed out to her that the little girl had the name "Savannah" too! She looked at her, then at me, with this expression of, I think, confusion. Then after a minute or two, she started to cry, shaking her head, and pointing to the TV, she says, "no Sanannah". Then she pats her chest and says, "me, Sanannah". At that point she starts crying like her little heart is broken!!! Apparently, she didn't like the idea of another girl with the name Savannah!!! I got to hold her and pat her back to try to calm her down. It took almost 10 min. of her crying to get down to whimpers!

I had to stifle my laughs, and boy I tell you that was hard!!


Jessie said...

aw... sweet girl. i don't like it when people have my name either! :)

Silvia and Steven said...

ha ha I think I would've had a hard time not laughing either!! How funny!! Oh and BTW I love your header picture!! Aww.... the memories (*SIGH*)