I don't know when kids should start having candy/chocolate, but I don't think 11 months is the age to start. However, Savannah seems to think differently!
Anybody who knows me, knows I LOVE chocolate (though I'm not that different from many females, I'm sure) but I'm especially fond of the m&m candies!! I had a little ziploc baggie of some m&m's for a snack while we were out for a walk. We couldn't go today, due to rainy day, so I brought everything back in and knew she would like to play with the diaper bag. (She has this thing about taking things out of purses, bags, boxes, canisters and putting them back in-I think this is normal?) I made sure I took out the little baggie of m&m's so she wouldn't get into it. Apparently, I didn't put them far enough out of her reach, because the next thing I know, I look over and she has found the baggie and the m&m's are in her lap, bursting out of the bag and she's chomping away, with some blue color around her mouth! Luckily I dug it out before it "melts" in her mouth. However, when I gathered the m&m's, she watching me, and as I walked away with the bag, she realized she wasn't getting anymore and proceeded to cry, I mean really cry. She's never done that before when we've had to take something away. She was not happy!
I'm so glad you visited my post. It's so fun to see what's going on in the lives of those we care about. My friend's baby, who's Savanah's age is a chocoholic too! Watch out!!! :)
What a mean mom!! :) Just kidding, good thing you caught her before she ate the whole bag!
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